Резюме "Director of Business Development, Marketing and Innovation" в Киеве
Желаемый город работы : Киев
Дата рождения: 23 февраля 1975 (50 лет)
Пол: Мужчина
Семейное положение: женат
Дети: есть
Group of companies «Veres», the Eastern Europe market foods production leader, Kyiv
1. Investment appeal of adjacent areas market segments analysis;
2. Qualitatively new groups of the goods, services working out.Identifying new opportunities for potential growth in new categories, from current clients (including cross-selling), and via innovation (product, services, offering);
3. Creating the strategy for new business which may come from net new business in new sectors, organic growth, business or talent acquisition;
4. Forecast of change of a conjuncture of a supply and demand on internal and foreign markets;
5. Competitive position of the company in branch (durability of business) analysis
6. Introduction of marketing strategy complex;
7. Formation of multinational industrial base (carrying out of manufactures in neighboring countries - India, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Sweden);
8. Strategic targets and problems for the 10-year-old period working out;
9. Full-scale marketing complex in strategic and operational marketing strategy of advertising campaigns for foreign markets working out.
10. Integrated brand communication with coherent messages to create/enhance brand image that is in line with brand positioning and the internationally desired brand image - across all media such as advertising, PoS, fairs, co-operations, CRM, PR - across all product categories (MDA & CP)
11.Providing thought leadership on client, business and sector challenges and opportunities
1. Estimated and defended the project on working out the manufacture of half-finished and fast preparation products.
2. Generated a control system of strategic (through Group of company’s corporate centre) and operational marketing (through Trade House).
3. Provided the volume of import of raw materials and ready products $XY.000.000 (10 % in wholesale prices from turnover in Ukraine).
4. Developed advertising plan and budget ($30.000.000) for the period of 5 years.
5. Developed 2 commercials.
6. Built up the department for management of agricultural grounds of Group of companies. Has united 40.000 Hectares of 5 agricultural companies with the total budget of €15.000.000.
7. Made them get up to 40 % market share in the product categories of sauces, canned food and groceries
8. Developed the budget documentation for purchasing 3 enterprises in Moldova, Russia and India. Total budget of purchase - more €40.000.000
9. Introduced 3 new brands to the market (which got average 10-15 % market shares within corresponding sub segments)
10. Got 15 % market share of fresh mushrooms in retail nets of Ukraine.)
International Holding "Ukrinterproduct“, Donetsk (with Company Lauffer N.V., Netherlands), Donetsk
1. Market research and analysis;
2. Strategies and business-planning development;
3. Commodity portfolio management;
4. Business structure reorganization;
5. Branches setting up and development
6. Marketing planning, development and introduction of marketing strategy;
7. The marketing plan development;
8. The marketing plan development;
9. Formation of competitive, marketing, price, promotion strategies;
10. Media planning, advertising budget control;
11. Design management;
12. Estimation and the enhancement business directions efficiency analysis;
13. Company production advancement;
14. Branding;
15. Business directions development control and analysis;
16. Sales plans and sales promotion development, management and control, action plans, motivational programs working out and management;
17. Increase in a sales volume and expansion of seller's markets;
18. Market mix analysis and improvement;
19. Trade channels development and management;
20. Conclusions to the market of new products;
21. Non-standard approaches in modern business skills;
22. Trade channels development and management;
23. VIP-negotiation skills;
24. Regional representations and regional policy of sales management;
25. Effective development and management of relations with a dealer network;
26. Sales efficiency estimation of an existing commodity portfolio and the offer on its optimization;
27. Adjusts the budget and supervises financial reports
28. Budget drawing up, optimization and control of the budget execution.
1. Got 37 % of the market of Eastern Ukraine (5 areas) in low segment bakery products.
2. Introduced ТМ «Luchiano».
3. Has got 22 % in the premium segment, opened 3 boutiques - cafe of chocolate and confectionery products also.
4. Provided Holding Сcompany’s sales growth in 4 business directions + 14 % to the plan.
5. Got 14 % market share in premium segment with ТМ «Slavolia». Has got recognition of brand «Slavolia» (95-100 % recognition).
6. Got 26 % market share in low segment of sauces and mayonnaises. got +3 % growths all over Ukraine.
7. Provided recognition of a brand "Crop" of 35/63 %.
8. Reorganized Marketing department and built up PR department.
9. Developed the system of strategic and operational marketing planning in Corporation.
10. Take a stand on the market, having occupied 25 % of the segment of fast preparation products.
11. Introduced to the market 2 new categories of fast preparation products and a sub brand «Mivina Domashnia», occupied 41 % of the market.
12. Won 14 % in the Ukrainian sub segment of soya sauces market (ТМ «Navarro»)
13. With marketing actions provided +38 % sales growths to export of products (ТМ «Bim Bim»)
14. Developed and implemented advertising campaign f $4.32 million
15. Developed 4 commercials.
16. Has got 40 % reduction in constant clients outflow due to effective marketing actions.)
Group of companies "Technology" (JSC "Technology", JSC "Kiev Vitamin Plant", JSC “LUGAL", JVC "Pharmatec", Joint-Stock Company ", Kyiv
1. Analyses and research of the Ukrainian market;
2. Developing, implementing and management of all above and below the line marketing activities;
3. Ensure an integrated marketing strategy planning;
4. Work in conjunction with all product managers in the division to grow the category;
5. Responsible for all marketing activities across the division;
6. Channel marketing - trade marketing;
7. Budget planning and control;
8. Organization of campaigns and events for partners.
9. Marketing strategies management;
10. Business planning and budget control;
11. Objectives setting and control over their implementation;
12. Promotion and advertising campaigns, planning and control
13. Buying efficiency analysis;
14. Pricing policies management;
15. Personnel training
16. Investigation and analyses of the market conditions and study of prospects for the company;
17. Marketing strategies management
18. Advising the company on the market conditions and prospects and product planning;
19. Informing clients and doctors on various aspects of products purchase and usage;
20. Communication with key people, industry managers, government officials, and clients.
21. Promotion and advertising of the company's products;
22. Introducing new technologies of treatment to customers and potential customers
23. Field Force management, training and control
1. Got 43% annual growth (+13% to the plan) and 47% of sales volume.
2. Started new kinds of products (the packing and laminated cardboard, shoe boxes, polygraphist production)
3. By personal efforts in development and production got +17 b2b sales volumes of Corporation.
4. Launched project group of 126 people from 12 departments, 2 Scientific and Research Institutes, developed 106 new for the company brand-generating products. Put into production 13 OTC products. Provided 6 % national market share of the Company among Ukrainian products.
5. Got + 17 % sales growth in a sub segment of vitamins in the pharmaceutical market of Russia
6. Introduced 4 pharmaceutical ТМ to the market.
7. Created external service of "InterChem" - 19 people.
8. Developed and implemented 6 regional advertising campaigns
9. In segments cosmetic and hygienic products in retail nets got 2, 5 % of Ukrainian sales volumes.
10. Provided 30 % sales growth of cumulative production of the Company as the result of introducing new product categories, their advertising and promotional support.
11. Got support of more than 150 leaders of opinion (academics of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, professors of higher educational establishments and scientific research institute, directors of Ttreatment and Prevention institutions, Scientific and Methodology Centers))
I have 22+ years of proven experience in various management positions. I have extensive experience in project management and the formation of project teams (over 30 implemented projects in total):
• projects to develop and introduce new products and brands to the market,
• opening representative offices and branches,
• organizing advertising campaigns,
• opening new business areas,
• formation of company portfolios,
• management of a full range of operational and strategic marketing
• ability to define clear goals,
• ability to identify the necessary resources to achieve them,
• speed of thinking along with lightning-fast reaction to threats,
• ability to work under high pressure and in stressful situations,
• skills to manage the moods of subordinates,
• ability to rationally use minimal resources
•participation in the development and implementation of the company’s development strategy on the Ukrainian market.
•generation and development of business opportunities
•methodological and administrative support for the functions of the Development Department
•development and implementation of plans aimed at the development of the company
•operational management of the enterprise’s activities, control of the enterprise’s work
•organization and launch of new projects
•conducting negotiations with government agencies, financial organizations, etc.
•development and control of implementation of operational production plans in accordance with the adopted strategy;
•optimization and control of business processes in the management company and structural units in order to increase the efficiency of their work;
•diagnostics of all production and commercial processes;
•planning and ensuring the strategic development of the company;
•protection of the rights and interests of the enterprise, representation functions;
•evaluation of business processes and development of optimization measures;
•control of the budget process.
specialty - economics and enterprise management, Odesa (Ukraine)
specialty – management/marketing, London (UK)
economics and logistics management,
Medicine, supply,