Бажане місто роботи : Олександрія
Дата народження: Немає даних
Стать: Чоловік
Сімейний стан: Не вказано
Діти: Не вказано
(- github: github.com/anderboom/shop
- deployed app: maeteshop.herokuapp.com/
- video overview of the functionality: youtu.be/NXN6oVhtUAs
Main functionality:
Frontend (Angular + Materialize CSS)
- independent registration and authorization users and admins
- filter by price and brand
- interactive product's card using Materialize CSS
- search positions by name and brand
- discount category with promo prices
- pagination
- orders cart
- order using Nova Poshta API (for unregistered users)
- autofill data of the registered user when ordering a product
- create product categories
- create product positions
- create discount product positions
- main store of all positions by categories and its quantity
- control order processing (review, confirm, delete)
- edit users list
- add new admin (only by superadmin)
- pagination
- Architecture: MVC
- Databases: MongoDB
- Node.js, Mongoose, Express
- Hash passwords: bcryptjs
- Route access protection: passport-jwt, jsonwebtoken)